Sunday, February 22, 2015
Anytime now, Fairy God-Mother!
I have let more time pass between posts than I would like because...well, LIFE! Plus my job has been crazy busy...which is a good thing. And then my husband got called out of town on a family emergency for most of this week through the weekend. I always pause and reflect on what total bad-asses single parents are, anytime my husband has to leave town. I know that everything is relative...and as parents, we do our level best to handle whatever life throws our way. For example, I have a friend who has twin girls and she is totally rocking it. I am in awe. And I imagine she looks at the mom of triplets and feels the same. And so on. But what happens when sometimes you feel like you can't handle it? What do we do when the insanity of balancing being a Mom, wife, employee, friend, confidant, chef, housekeeper, chauffeur, et al becomes to much?
I ask this question, because lately I have been feeling like I can't. Now, I don't mean I can't handle it in a "come and cart Mommy away in a straight jacket/here's your ticket to the Baker Act" type of thing. I mean I just feel like I am doing a piss poor job of getting it all done. Specifically, I am feeling behind the eight ball with the Littles. I have one in kindergarten and one in pre-k. When I get home from work, it's usually around 5:30. If I am especially with it that day, I either have dinner in the crock pot or have thawed out whatever I am planning to cook. This happens about 70% of the time. I almost always have bacon, eggs and pancake mix on on the 30% days, we have breakfast for supper. Not a huge deal. Then there's homework for the kindergartener. Not a huge amount, but he struggles with his reading, so he has extra books to read every night. And then there's a math website he has to spend time on. At most, this is about 30 minutes. By now it is probably 7. Maybe later. I have to clean the kitchen. And maybe a touch of laundry. My kids also like to play...sometimes even with their Dad or me. And story time. Then there's bath time. Each on their own. (I mean, not with the is not like I just toss them in the water and wish them luck!)
Did you know that the school says we are supposed to have them in bed by 8? HA! I wish. If I am lucky, it's 9. Some nights, if everything is clicking, we can make 8:30. But honestly, some nights they are still fighting me at 10. Well, not the boy. He's usually out in 5 minutes. But my little drama queen? The night owl to beat all night owls? Yeah...she's like the damn Energizer Bunny some nights. It's exhausting.
I have to take a moment to mention that I am lucky enough to married to a man who does try to help when he can. I am such a control freak, that most of the time I insist on doing it myself. But he does try. (If I don't write that he will tell me that this entire post is about how he never helps. And he really DOES. He just has a guilty conscience, I think.)
Anyway, at this point in the evening I usually realize that I have not packed their lunches, or folded the clothes, or cleaned out the cat box....etc. I also (sometimes) like to have a bit of time to write, or visit with my husband, watch one of the few TV shows I record or even VISIT with my husband...wink-wink. You know..."grown up" time. ME time. (It used to be "wine time"....but that always led to "drunk time"...and that often ended badly. ha ha) And yes, I do realize that when you have kids that you must give up a great deal of yourself for them....but I also believe it is essential to find a healthy balance. I just have NO IDEA what that is.
I was talking with another Mom today who has 2 kids the same age as mine. She's pretty fabulous and a working Mom like me. We were sharing war stories and lamenting what it will be like when we have TWO in school! With 2 sets of homework? My head is spinning just thinking about it! LAWD. Oh, AND we also have an amazing 16 year old daughter, who is very busy currently being 16 going on 25, and adds to the "fun" (read- stress!) for sure. Everything is relative, right? Le sigh.
Some days I pause, and while I am trying not to yell or cry, I will close my eyes and wish REALLY HARD for my Fairy Godmother to show up and wave her magic wand and instantly make everything better. Do you know that bitch never shows?
I seem to recall that I did not get top marks in the "Uses Time Wisely" category in kindergarten. Which probably contributes to my inability to get everything done in time. That, and the fact that I tend to take on too much. Plus, the control freak in me that I mentioned earlier probably wouldn't really delegate to any damn Fairy Godmother, anyway!
I know I write a lot about trying to be grateful. So, I fully realize that I am truly blessed to HAVE a family to care for, food to cook, a house to clean, and clothes to wash. I really do! But, it can get overwhelming at times. I guess the point is that we do the best we can and keep telling ourselves that a messy, unorganized house is a home filled with laughter and love. Plus, you can always watch an episode of "Hoarders" hour of that shit and I am convinced I'm Mom of the Year. Seriously.
And at the end of the day, when I am really looking for my Fairy Godmother? I just look in the mirror.
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Hello good to see a women who has common sense. I have now written five articles on the abuse in the Fifty Shades of Grey series of books and also did more than review on the movie. My articles and reviews are in the top 10 on google in the world. My articles shared by Forbes magazine, Rolling Stone magazine, Guardian. My new article is up now. I also have my articles on my websites and google + account for millions to see.
ReplyDeleteI am a mother, two daughters and a survivor of abuse for 18 years and study Psychology and i have studied law. I am a writer and i also write erotic fiction and have four books coming out. I am followed by Fifty Shades of Grey official pages and i have got into many debates with them and E L James.
The fifty shades of Grey people are always trying to justify the abuse in the book saying it is a romantic love story. Then you have the millions of fans who also try and justify the abuse saying no abuse just a love story. "PLEASE"
I think i am more than qualified to comment on the abuse in the book and the negative impact on the young women who have read this garbage and are taking it for gospel that this is a normal relationship, how romantic "bla, bla"...."I want to be fucked like that"...."i want Christian Grey's baby" these are the comments i am seeing from 17 year old years who think this is an acceptable relationship. One girl said she was going to kill herself if they didn't make another movie.
Then you have the older mature women who lets face should just know better for one, who should not be supporting an innocent women being manipulated, controlled and then subjected to being tied up and the shit beaten out of her. BDSM is nothing like what was portrayed in the books, neither is erotic sex.
I copied a conversation i had with the Fifty Shades of Grey People just yesterday.
They asked "What would you rather a movie that makes a lot of money or an Oscar?"
My reply " An Oscar, respect, dignity and integrity, money cant by integrity or respect."
"Their reply "The Oscars are over rated."
So basically what they are saying they would rather make a movie about abuse that makes a bucket load of money and fuck anyone else. They don't care about the negative impact their movie is having on so many.
A young women was raped just a week ago based on the Fifty Shades of abuse movie.
The movie has received the worst reviews in history, article after article on how the book highlights abuse. The best movie reviewers in the world gave it a thumbs down and the worst reviews ever. But still to fifty shades of grey it is all about the money and how much money E L James and studios can rake in from so many desperate women who lined up to see it. Who are sucked in buying the merchandise from Fifty Shades of Grey shit, further supporting the bank account of E L James and her book of false love, romance and abuse of a young innocent women.
This is my latest article shared with tens of millions of people and Forbes Magazine.
ReplyDelete❤️ ❤️❤️ Jamie Duran is quoted as saying, "he never read the books". He signed on to do a movie about sadomasochism, false love, false romance and a young woman getting abused and the shit beaten out of her and he didn't read the book or understand the full impact of the character he was playing. "Come on"❤️
❤️He is quoted as saying his wife reads all of his script, she green lights what he should do.
❤️So his wife Amelia read the script but not the book?? new what the movie entailed, green lighted him to do the movie, was fully aware it involved nudity, sex scenes, sadomasochism, having to beat the shit of a women with a whip in a sex room; yet after he made the movie she was no OK with it, doesn't want to see, still hasn't seen it, yet she green lighted the movie in the first place. ❤️"Please" nothing more than a publicity stunt.
Now that it has received a hammering of bad press, bad reviews she is saying she is not OK with it bla bla bla. Maybe the pair of them should have really thought about this movie before signing.
❤️"Class" = not auditioning for this in the first place. ❤️"Sense" = not signing the contract when offered the part last minute when the first guy ran after seeing sense. ❤️"Love" = not dragging your then pregnant wife half way around the world to look after a new baby as you protect your modesty with a grape baggie in a Red Room.❤️"Respect"= As for the actor not wanting to upset his wife by doing these graphic sex scenes in sadomasochism - well if he thought anything of her, he wouldn't have done the movie in the first place.
❤️"Good" is not dragging her to Red Carpets 12 months on as you prepare to use her as an excuse when the bad reviews hit home. ❤️"Better roles" = not likely but, if, will have to await fulfilling his contractual obligations OR a long recovery time from breaking contract as unprofessional.❤️"Bravo" = very slow hand clap, that is if the audience haven't left the cinema already, as so many did.
❤️"so it should"=worst reviews in history and receiving unprecedented negative publicity because of it highlighting abuse and the negative impact on so many young innocent and naive young women.
you can visit my websites through here, twitter and google + to read more